Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Cool Patch Pumkins Corn Maze Extravaganza 2005!

As you may or may not know, I have wanted to experience the inevitable glory of a corn maze for about the last five years. On Saturday Night Lauren, Jody, Josh, Barbara and I went to the Cool Patch Pumpkins Corn Maze. It was awesome.

We went on a good night, not too cold, and there was a spooky almost-full moon to light our path. The maze was really huge, 20 acres, and the corn was taller than I thought it would be.

It took us about an hour to get through the maze. It was kind of creepy what with the tall corn and the relatively few people around. But I knew that Lauren and Jody would protect me.

Jody was a big fan of frolicking from row to row along the maze. Lauren and I, not so much.

Lauren and Jody wanted to cheat and look at the map, but I wouldn’t let them. At the end, we had a greater feeling of accomplishment because we finished it on our own. Or something.

After we finished, we met up with Josh and Barbara, who had just beaten us (but they cheated and looked at the map). We got a John Deere wagon and hunted for pumpkins in the pumpkin path. We also climbed the straw pyramid. I think we all went home pretty happy campers. And now I get to look forward to carving my pumpkin!

In Summary:
Corn Maze+Pumpkin Patch=Awesome

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