Saturday, January 07, 2006


San Diego Zoo: Part 2

And now, the thrilling conclusion of My Trip to the San Diego Zoo.

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Isn't this just too cute for words? This is the papa bear to the little baby panda that they have a the Zoo. We went to see the baby just as they took it away for its checkup. But this guy was dozing behind the trees in his enclosure and he was just adorable. He is sleeping with his head on his paws. Soooo cute.
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This polar bear was looking right at my Dad when he took this picture. He is laying on his belly with his legs sticking out behind him. I think he was was sunbathing. Which is odd because it was pretty warm outside, and polar bears like the cold, I thought. They even have a special cooling system for the polar bear's water at the zoo. But both of the polar bears were out sunning themselves.
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This is a pair of some type of bird. Hawk or eagle maybe? I have no memory of seeing these birds. Maybe they were the Sea Eagles. Those are the closest relatives to the Bald Eagle.
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Zebras! These were some of my favorite animals at the zoo. They were pretty indifferent to us while we were looking at them, but when the tour bus drove by they all turned around so that their tails were facing the bus. I guess they do that every time the bus goes by.
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Here is a bonus Zebra picture. On the sign about the zebras it said that they are black with white stripes, which answers that question from Madagascar.

Now it's time for adorable baby giraffe pictures!
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Looking at the baby giraffe was like eating sugar covered in pure corn syrup. It was so freaking adorable that it almost caused me physical pain to look at it. The baby giraffe was off by itself while the adults were eating. It looks cute and little but it is already six feet tall.
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This was one of the coolest things that I saw at the zoo. This dog and cheetah grew up together and are good friends! They said that the dog is actually the alpha in the relationship, and that they have to separate the cheetah and the dog at mealtimes or the dog will steal the cheetah's food! During this same show we got to see the Arctic Wolf, which was very cool. At one point they had us all howl at the wolf, and then the wolf would howl back. It was awesome.
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Here is an example of some of the numerous free range homosapiens they had at the zoo. I don't know why that lady in the foreground looks so annoyed, because they zoo is the kind of place where it is hard to be unhappy. You can see me and my mom in the back there, we are happy to be at such an excellent zoo.

So that's it for the zoo pics. Going to the zoo reminded me of what a strange but neat world we live in, with all kinds of crazy animals. At one point I heard someone complaining about how the monkeys needed more space to roam around or something, and I know that the habitats that the zoo has aren't perfect, but all of the animals I saw look mentally and physically healthy. They get to live in San Diego, with free room and board. What's not to like?

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