Monday, February 27, 2006


Some Birthday Pictures

A couple of days ago I took yet another step towards geriatricness when I turned the big Two-Five. That's like, a quarter of a century. Dang.

Anywho, one of the nice things about birthdays is that people make a fuss over you and give you presents and cake. Not that I care about presents or cake or anything, but since you asked, here is a list of stuff I got:

On to the cake! Here is my POV as I eagerly anticipated the cake's arrival.

Here is a picture of the cake that was caringly prepared for me by Jody with assistance from Lauren. Note the humorous yet poignant reminder of my own mortality in the form of a musical "over the hill" tombstone candle holder.

Here I am taking a big breath before the candles set off the fire alarm....

And here is the moment just after I blew out the candles (technically a reenactment).

After that I violently attacked the cake in a bitter rage.

What followed can only be described as cake-induced madness.

It was good times. Here is how the cake looked when we were done with it. Note the funfeti inside the cake and the sprinkles and Care Bear decoration. Classy.
It was an excellent party and I couldn't have asked for a better bunch of weirdos group of friends to hang out and eat cake with. We should do it again around the same time next year, I think.

you forgot about aubrey's involvement with the cake preparation and i am upset that there is no picture of your wonderful frozen sliced ham. its a pound and a half of dead pig.
Happy late Birthday Ankerstar. We are all old people now. You know what happened to me on my bday? Some old idiot hit me in the face with a golf ball. Needless to say, it hurt.
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